top 67 cancer-fighting foods to eat and add to your grocery list

Up to 50% of cancers in the United States can be prevented through healthy lifestyle choices.

Part of your daily healthy list style choice is what you eat.

Not only can you “Help Fight Cancer With W Fork,” but you can also help prevent cancer by eating nutrient rich foods that have many cancer protective properties.

In this blog you will get a list of the top 67 cancer-fighting foods you can eat to help you reduce cancer risk.

The list will be divided up into 5 sections:

  • fruits,

  • vegetables,

  • seeds & legumes,

  • herbs/spices,

  • and drinks

This list can also be used as a grocery list so pick and choose your favorite foods to eat and add them as you go to your grocery list.

We will start around the edges of the grocery store gathering whole food first and then work our way in.

Let’s get started 🤓.

Cancer-Fighting Fruits

You may have heard somewhere in the internet that fruit is bad for you because of the sugar it has.

But in reality,

that’s just a bunch of bananas and fruit actually has many cancer protective properties.

Cancer fighting foods to eat

Eating more fruits has actually been shown to lower your risk of a wide range of cancers, including: colorectal, mouth, pharynx and larynx, esophageal, lung, and stomach cancers.

So here’s what you can add to your shopping cart so you can eat more fruit:

Cancer fighting foods to eat
  1. Apples

  2. Blueberries

  3. Blackberries

  4. Strawberries

  5. Rasberries

  6. Cranberries

  7. Peaches

  8. Pears

  9. Grapes

  10. Mangos

  11. Pineapples

  12. Cherries

13. Pomegranates

14. Grapefruit

15. Oranges

16. Tomatos

17. Kiwi

18. Apricots

19. Melons

20. Guava

Cancer-Fighting Vegetables

Vegetables, like fruits, are rich in cancer-fighting nutrients and the more colorful there the more more cancer-fighting properties.

When you eat you especially want to focus on adding dark green, red, yellow, and orange vegetables.

Eating enough vegetables has been shown to reduce the risk for multiple cancers, including: stomach, head and neck, prostate, breast, colon, and kidney cancers.

Here’s what you can add to your shopping cart to eat this week:

Cancer fighting foods to eat
  1. Broccoli

  2. Arugula

  3. Bok Choy

  4. Brussel Sprouts

  5. Cabbage

  6. Cauliflower

  7. Kale

  8. Collard Greens

  9. Turnips

  10. Radishes

  11. Beets

  12. Spinach

13. Winter Squash

14. Onions

15. Carrots

16. Asparagus

17. Scallions

18. Garlic

19. Sweet Potatoes

20. Mustered Greens

Cancer-Fighting Seeds & Legumes

Much research has gone into studying the effect seeds, and legumes have on your body and many studies find that the dietary fiber, resistant starch, and phenolic compounds help support your overall health against cancer, even among hormone positive breast cancer survivors.

Consistent findings from a variety of breast cancer survivors indicate no increased risk for breast cancer when they eat beans or soy.

In fact, limited evidence shows that there might actually be a potential for greater overall survival and decreased recurrence, among women who eat moderate amounts of soy in their diet.

Here is what you can add to your meals to eat:

Cancer fighting foods to eat
  1. Flaxseed

  2. Walnuts

  3. Pumpkin Seeds

  4. Peas

  5. Lentils

  6. Edamame

  7. Tofu

  8. Black Beans

9. Peanuts

10. Pecans

11. Pistachio

12. Cashews

13. Kidney Beans

14. Chickpeas

Cancer-Fighting Herbs & Spices

By this point you have have heard that herbal remedies help fight cancer and while herbs and spices have been found to have cancer fighting properties they do not have the power to cure cancer.

Nevertheless, they are helpful in all over the world to add flavor, taste, and nutritional value to food which can help you add more cancer fighting foods to your plate.

Here is what you can add to your meals to for flavor and taste:

Cancer fighting foods to eat
  1. Chives

  2. Parsley

  3. Basil

  4. Turmeric

  5. Ginger

  6. Cinnamon

  7. Black Pepper

  8. Clove

  9. Rosemary

  10. Sesame Seed

Cancer-Fighting Drinks

Last but not least, coffee and tea.

More than 3,000 studies have shown that phytochemicals in both green and black teas have potential to help fight against various cancers.

While this is great to add it is always important to know that you 1) they will not cure cancer 2) you should talk to your doctor and an oncology certified dietician before drinking it during treatment

And lastly, in order to get the cancer fighting effect from tea you would need 3 teas a day. If you are a tea drinker this may be a practice to add more in your day, and if you are not it might not be worth drinking that much in your day.

But not all coffee and teas help, so here is what has been shown to help:

Cancer fighting foods to eat
  1. Black Coffee

  2. Green Tea

  3. Black Tea

  4. Honorable Mention

Lower Your Cancer Risk With This Honorable Mention

There is one more item on the list that may help you reduce your cancer risk.

It is not added to the list above becuase it does not inherently have cancer-fighting properties like coffee or tea; however, when applied in the proper context it can help reduce your cancer risk.

Let us explain first.

Obesity is related to increasing risk of 13 different cancers and over 80 % of the U.S. population is overweight or obese.

Studies suggest that the use of 0 calorie drinks can help people reduce calories and over all lose fat.

Cancer fighting foods to eat

0 calorie drinks like coffee, sparkling water, diet soda, and tea can all help you overall reduce fat, cravings, and improve your over all health.

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